Cavernous hemangioma of the colon in a young patient


  • Karina María Ruiz Cáez Laboratorio de patología Medipath SAS
  • Jesús Habib Cure Michailith Clínica del Caribe
  • Javier Antonio Canedo Matute Laboratorio de patología y citología (LAPACI)
  • Jesika Jiménez Canedo EMI



Hemangioma, Colon, Cavernous, Sigmoid, Laparotomy


Cavernous hemangioma of the colon is a very rare benign vascular neoplasm. The following is a brief description of the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of a young patient with a cavernous hemangioma of the sigmoid colon. An 18-year-old man consulted the emergency department due to painless rectal bleeding associated with dyspnea, asthenia, and adynamia. The patient was admitted with stable vital signs, and complementary studies, including a blood count, reported severe anemic syndrome leading to the study of the cause of the disease. A colonoscopy was performed, finding a sigmoid lesion compatible with colon hemangioma. The patient was taken to surgery (laparotomy), a hemicolectomy was performed, and the diagnosis was confirmed by pathology study.


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Author Biographies

Karina María Ruiz Cáez, Laboratorio de patología Medipath SAS

Médica patóloga

Jesús Habib Cure Michailith, Clínica del Caribe

Médico cirujano general, cirujano endoscópico. Gastroenterólogo

Javier Antonio Canedo Matute, Laboratorio de patología y citología (LAPACI)

M´édico especialista en Patología de la Universidad de Cartagena 

Jesika Jiménez Canedo, EMI

Médico general Universidad de Cartagena, ambulancia. Cartagena


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Figura 2. Representación de la lesión en la que se observan vasos sanguíneos de diferentes tamaños en la submucosa



How to Cite

Ruiz Cáez, K. M., Cure Michailith, J. H., Canedo Matute, J. A., & Jiménez Canedo, J. (2021). Cavernous hemangioma of the colon in a young patient. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 36(1), 93–97.



Case report


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