Are the ASGE criteria sufficient to stratify the risk of choledocholithiasis?




Choledocholithiasis, Choledocholithiasis risk, ASGE criteria, Cholecystitis


Introduction: Biliary lithiasis is one of the most frequent diseases in the area of general surgery and gastroenterology. Treatment varies depending on the location of the gallstones. Several stratification scales of the risk of choledocholithiasis have been defined, being the criteria proposed by the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) the most used worldwide, with a diagnostic accuracy of 70%. However, the procedures or diagnostic aids defined by these criteria, sometimes, increase hospital stay, costs, and may lead to the development of complications.

Methodology: An observational, analytical, retrospective, cross-sectional study was conducted with data obtained from the clinical records of patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy at the CES Clinic in Medellín, Colombia, between July and December of 2017.

Results and conclusions:  424 medical records were analyzed, of which 254 (56.76%) were classified as low-risk, 94 (22.11%) as intermediate-risk and 76 (17.88%) as high-risk. The frequency of choledocholithiasis was 90.8% in high-risk patients and 26.6% in intermediate-risk patients. For the intermediate-risk category, statistically significant differences were found between the two groups for the total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, and AST values (p: 0.001, p: 0.014, p:0.007, respectively). The low frequency of choledocholithiasis in the intermediate-risk category can be explained by less than 5mm gallstones not identified by the cholangioresonance. Based on this study, we propose to adjust the ranges of the ASGE criteria variables for the intermediate-risk category for better accuracy when classifying patients with biliary lithiasis and, thus, reduce costs and hospital stay.


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Author Biographies

Jeronimo Toro Calle, Clínica CES

Especialista en Cirugía General, Clínica CES. Docente adscrito, Universidad CES. Medellín, Colombia

Carolina Guzmán Arango, Universidad CES Medellín

Médica y cirujana, especialista en epidemiología. Universidad CES residente de cirugía general

Mariana Ramírez Ceballos, Universidad CES Medellín

Médica general. Residente de cirugía eneral en Universidad CES de Medellín

Natalia Guzmán Arango, Clínica CES

Médica general, ClínicaCES. Estudiante de especialización en Epidemiología, Universidad CES. Medellín, Colombia.


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Figura 1. Flujograma de selección de pacientes en el estudio.



How to Cite

Toro Calle, J., Guzmán Arango, C., Ramírez Ceballos, M., & Guzmán Arango, N. (2020). Are the ASGE criteria sufficient to stratify the risk of choledocholithiasis?. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 35(3), 304–310.



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