Modified sugiura procedure: an alternative for non-cirrhotic patients with extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis and recurrent variceal bleeding




Thrombosis, Portal vein, Extrahepatic, Portal hypertension, Modified Sugiura, Esophageal varices, Cirrhosis


One of the most serious consequences of extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis is portal hypertension with recurrent variceal bleeding. Once endoscopic variceal ligation fails and the spleno-portal axis is not permeable, modified Sugiura devascularization may be the only alternative. Its use in patients with cirrhosis has been reported, but there is little information on non-cirrhotic patients. This article presents a series of four cases of non-cirrhotic patients that underwent this procedure. Patients were followed for twelve months; none presented episodes of esophageal varices re-bleeding nor required ligation of residual varices. This surgery is outlined as a therapeutic alternative for this type of patients.


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Author Biographies

Juan Manuel Rico Juri, Centro Medico Imbanaco

Cirujano hepatobiliar y de trasplantes. Centro Medico Imbanaco

Felipe Castro Villegas, Centro Medico Imbanaco

Cirujano  Hepatobiliar, Centro Medico Imbanaco

Carmen Elisa Ocampo Benavides, Centro Medico Imbanaco

Medica Epidemiologa. Instituto de Investigaciones, Centro Medico Imbanaco


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Figura 1. Técnica de Sugiura original frente a la técnica modificada



How to Cite

Rico Juri, J. M., Castro Villegas, F., & Ocampo Benavides, C. E. (2020). Modified sugiura procedure: an alternative for non-cirrhotic patients with extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis and recurrent variceal bleeding. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 35(3), 377–381.


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