Thyrogastric syndrome: Case Series


  • Sandra Consuelo Henao Riveros Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Julian David Martínez Marin Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Juan Manuel Arteaga Díaz Universidad Nacional de Colombia



autoimmune diseases, thyroiditis, gastritis, atrophy, antibodies, helicobacter pylori


A significant percentage of patients with chronic autoimmune atrophic body gastritis (type A gastritis) develop thyroid autoimmune disease (Graves' disease or Hashimoto's disease) and vice versa. This situation is known as thyrogastric syndrome. Its prevalence is unknown, due to incomplete diagnoses. Since the development of atrophic gastritis limits the absorption of vitamin B12 leading to hematological, neurological and metabolic alterations, it is important to perform necessary diagnostic tests and to closely monitor the evolution of patients. Serological detection of autoantibodies against the thyroid gland and the gastric body show the autoimmune etiology and an inflammatory state with tissue damage. Every patient with autoimmune disease should be evaluated to rule out the presence of other pathologies of immunological etiology.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Consuelo Henao Riveros, Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Facultad de Medicina


Julian David Martínez Marin, Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Facultad de Medicina


Juan Manuel Arteaga Díaz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Facultad de Medicina


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How to Cite

Henao Riveros, S. C., Martínez Marin, J. D., & Arteaga Díaz, J. M. (2019). Thyrogastric syndrome: Case Series. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 34(4), 350–355.



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