Chronic diarrhea as a manifestation of a neuroendocrine tumor


  • Hector Fabio Sandoval Alzate Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi
  • Angelica Maria Gonzalez Clavijo Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
  • Maria Camila Angarita Claro Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi
  • Micela Beatriz Rosado Rodriguez Hospital universitario Mayor Méderi
  • Ruben Dario Arenas Diaz Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Chronic diarrhea, secretory diarrhea, neuroendocrine tumor, vipoma


Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are a heterogeneous group of rare neoplasms that originate in endocrine cells with the ability to secrete amines and hormonal polypeptides. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) can be functional or non-functional. Functional PNETs secrete common hormones such as gastrin, insulin and glucagon and much less frequent hormones such as vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Their characteristics depend on the peptide secreted. Vipomas are characterized by chronic diarrhea of ​​secretory characteristics that usually lead to hydroelectrolytic disorders and can lead to serious complications associated with renal failure. This article describes the case of a 37-year-old man who had suffered chronic diarrhea with frequent hospitalization for hydroelectrolytic disorders for six months due to severe hypokalemia and acute renal damage due to dehydration. After multiple studies, a diagnosis of secretory diarrhea due to a VIP secretory functional NET was considered. Empirical therapy with Octreotide was begun to control diarrhea and correct the hydroelectrolytic disorder. More studies of PNETS are being published. They have been treated surgically intervention with favorable clinical results and complete remission of symptoms.


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Author Biographies

Hector Fabio Sandoval Alzate, Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi

Médico y cirujano. Residente de primer año de Neurología en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Angelica Maria Gonzalez Clavijo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Instituto Nacional de Cancerología

Médico internista - endocrinólogo. Docente depto de ciencias fisiológicas Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Endocrinóloga Instituto Nacional de cancerología

Maria Camila Angarita Claro, Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi

Médico epidemiólogo. Médico hospitalario

Micela Beatriz Rosado Rodriguez, Hospital universitario Mayor Méderi

Médico general, médico hospitalario en Méderi

Ruben Dario Arenas Diaz, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Médico y cirujano. Residente de primer año de neurología Universidad Nacional de Colombia


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RMN abdominal contrastada



How to Cite

Sandoval Alzate, H. F., Gonzalez Clavijo, A. M., Angarita Claro, M. C., Rosado Rodriguez, M. B., & Arenas Diaz, R. D. (2020). Chronic diarrhea as a manifestation of a neuroendocrine tumor. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 35(1), 135–139.



Case report


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