Economic burden of liver disease in Colombia




Economic burden, Disability-adjusted life years, years of life lost from mortality, years lived with a disability, liver cirrhosis, liver neoplasms, liver disease


Introduction: Liver diseases have a significant impact on global morbidity and mortality rates, primarily attributed to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. However, the true extent of their impact on patients, healthcare systems, and countries is often underestimated.

Materials and methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study aimed to determine the economic burden associated with premature deaths caused by cirrhosis and primary liver cancer. The economic assessment was conducted by analyzing potentially productive years of life lost (PPYLL) due to liver diseases in Colombia between 2009 and 2016.

Results and conclusions: The total burden of liver disease accounted for 687,861 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Men experienced a higher number of years of life lost from mortality (YLL), while women had a greater number of years lived with a disability (YLD). The economic burden of deaths caused by cirrhosis and primary liver cancer exceeded USD 8.6 million, highlighting the urgency to enhance intervention strategies ranging from promotion and prevention to timely diagnosis and treatment.


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Author Biographies

Diana Fernanda Bejarano Ramirez, Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogota

Epidemióloga, Jefe administrativa de trasplantes y cirugía hepatobiliar, Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Bogotá, Colombia.

Nelson José Alvis Zakzuk, Universidad de la Costa

Economista, Docente. Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla, Colombia. ALZAK. Cartagena, Colombia

Gabriel Carrasquilla Gutiérrez, ASIESALUD SAS

MD., PhD. Director. Bogotá, Colombia.

Alexandra Porras Ramírez, Universidad El Bosque

Bacterióloga, Directora, Maestría en Epidemiologia. Bogot´á, Colombia.

Alonso Vera Torres, Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá

Cirujano de trasplantes y hepatobiliar. Jefe de trasplantes y cirugía hepatobiliar, Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Bejarano Ramirez, D. F., Alvis Zakzuk, N. J., Carrasquilla Gutiérrez, G., Porras Ramírez, A., & Vera Torres, A. (2023). Economic burden of liver disease in Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Gastroenterología, 38(2), 155–166.



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